23 Jul 2019

Ideal World: The Origin (fiction)

"Ideal World: The Origin" isn't prose as such. Even though there is a frame story included, it is primarily an attempt to create an explanation how a world described in the Ideal World series could have been born. 

In other words, if you're expecting to find descriptions of sex or hot dominating sessions and this may not be your thing. However, if the thought of a world run by women turns you on, it just might.

Also bear in mind it is made purely for my enjoyment and it is not meant to be taken 100% seriously. I am perfectly aware some parts of it are somewhat fantastic. For a scenario like this to work you have to make leaps of faith.

It can also be seen as a origin story, or a prequel to A Day in the Utopia even though I didn't write it with that story in mind. Who knows, perhaps A Day in the Utopia is what things will ultimately lead to.



Fleet marshal Serena sighed. She was standing on the control bridge of her flagship, hands behind her back, and observing the sight before her. Below her she saw maze of similar bridges and on them dozens of Gynarchian officers in standard service harnesses. In front of her there was the force field of the ship's bow, separating the inside of the ship and the cold space surrounding it.

Through the force field he could saw the majestic sight of the planet beneath them. Or rather, part of the planet. They were now close enough for the white and blue planet to fill most of the view. Below them, closer to the planet, Serena saw smaller vessels she new were a part of the Gynarchian scientific survey team.    

Serena let out another sigh and frowned. The small science fleet had been positioned here for a while now. At the time the fleet got its orders its mission was not a high priority one. Quite recently however, there had been a change in the situation, which demanded the survey team to be contacted. It was too bad the matter had to be handled like this, Serena thought.

A moment later a blue shimmer appeared, and a Gynarchian commander in a blue science division harness stepped on the bridge. She walked to Serena, and made the traditional greeting gesture.

"Greetings, your excellency", she said and stood in attention.

"At ease, commander", Serena said. "I am glad you could get here in such short notice."

Science commander Minerva tried to figure out whether there was a hidden message in her superior's words. It wasn't every day a fleet marshal's ship dropped in to meet a third level scientific survey team inquiring their progress. Naturally you reported in as soon as you could.  

"Do you have your report?", Serena asked. Better get this over with fast, she thought.

Minerva moved her hand in front of her and the air above them filled with figures, graphs and images. She begun giving her report but in a matter of moments the fleet marshal sighed.

"I give credit to your work", she said, interrupting the science commander. "But unfortunately I don't have time for scientific details. Give me only the basics and the current situation."

"I understand, your excellency", commander said. She waved her hand and the figures in the air disappeared. She looked at the arc of the planet before them.

"The planet, which the inhabitants call Earth, is a third planet in a solar system made out of nine planets and a class D yellow sun", she said. "Population around seven and a half billion at the moment. The planet is a part of a large life seeding project, more specifically one that took place in the beginning of the seventh age."

Serena frowned and sighed deeply at the commander's words. "Ah, one of those", she said. "That complicates matters."

"Yes, field marshal", the commander said.

Serena shook her head. In the beginning of the seventh age the Gynarchian hegemony and Androsian empire has formed a truce everyone hoped would lead to lasting peace, after a war that had raged for several millennia. 

Therefore it was decided to seed planets with life that would be based on building blocks from both Gynarchian and Androsian species, as a symbol of peace between the two. Little did they know the peace would last only a generation and the war would continue. Such idealism, Serena thought.

"The species on the planet call itself humans", Minerva continued. "It seems there have been several so called humanoid species preceding it, but at the moment it is the only one that exists. As far as we can tell, for a long time the two parts of the species, or genders as they call them, Gynarchian and Androsian, lived in harmony, and there are traces of several cultures dominated by the former."

"It seems that is no longer the case?" Serena said and sensed the commander's hesitation.

"No, it is not", Minerva said shaking her head. "Apparently at some point in the planet’s history something happened and made the Androsian part, of which the inhabitants call male, a dominant one. The change is so sudden in large historical perspective, that we can only guess it is a result of some sort of Androsian influence."

That figures, Serena thought. Never trust an Androsian, she used to say. It was something she had learned from her mother, and she from her mother. 

Serena inhaled deeply and corrected her posture. "How long have you been here? Have you made any progress?"

"We arrived around eighty solar cycles ago", the commander said. "At that point there was a large global conflict in process, providing us an ideal time to start our experiment. We started bombarding the planet with radiation, in the hopes of helping the Gynarchian part, the species call them females, to become the dominant one.

"Was it successful?"

"Yes and no, your excellency", Minerva said and waved her hand again. The air was suddenly filled with images once more. "There has been rapid social progress during the last eighty cycles, and we have been slowly increasing the dosage."

"These creatures", Serena said. "They have no suspicion of your movements?"

"None. Their technology is still too primitive. They have no idea of our presence here, even though they are sending more and more crude satellites into the orbit. They see what we have done as a natural progression. However quite recently we have faced a new problem."

Minerva's posture became more uneasy. This was the part of the report she had had troubles with. She put her hands behind her back and straightened herself.

"The more we bombard the planet with radiation, the more progress we see", Minerva said and glanced at the images before them. "However, there also seems to be forces in the human society that want to reverse this. The same rate we increase the bombardment the stronger those forces get. My theory is it is caused by the Androsian reprogramming, one that keeps the males of the species dominant."

"Have you considered a direct intervention?" Serena asked. "With the help of my fleet..."

"I don't think that would work", the commander said quickly, looking if possible even more uneasy. "It seems many human females, or women are they are also called, think that males being the dominant gender is a natural order of things."

"Really?" Serena said, raising her eyebrows. The commander nodded, and continued quickly.

"However, it works other way around as well. Many males seem to think quite the opposite, and lean to what we could call a Gynarchian way of life. So, it's not as clear cut as we might hope. At the moment the situation especially in so called western part of the world is extremely polarized, when it comes to the issues of gender, and also quite complicated. Therefore, a direct intervention would be a grave error. Most likely it would merely unify the whole planet against us."    

Serena sighed. "Very well. I understand. An intervention is out then. What is your plan at the moment?"

Minerva waved her hand once again, the previous images disappeared and new ones, filled with scientific graphs took their place.

"We will keep increasing the dosage gradually. We have high hopes that under two hundred solar cycles we will find out..."

"That's too slow."

Minerva looked at her superior.

"Your excellency?"

Serena sighed. "What I am telling you is not common knowledge. However, the war between us and Androsians is getting more aggressive and there is a chance the fighting will expand to this part of the galaxy soon. If it does, we must create a base of operations here. And it means we must get this planet into Gynarchian control as soon as possible."

"How soon?" Minerva asked. 

"Under ten solar cycles, no more", her superior answered.

The commander opened her mouth, looking shocked. "But your excellency..."

"This is an order, commander", the fleet marshal snapped, looking at Minerva sternly. "An order that comes from the First Councilwoman herself."

Serena kept a pause and let her words sink in. Then she turned and looked at the planet beneath them. 

"Double the dosage you are using, or triple it", she said. "I don't care. Do anything you need. I want to see visible results and the planet in female hands in less than ten cycles. If the war reaches this part of space and we don't have a stronghold, there is no knowing what will happen."

Again there was a moment's pause.  "I understand", Minerva said finally. "I will begin the preparations immediately."

Part I:
The Masterpiece Society

I got the breakfast ready just in time. I had just taken the croissants out of the oven and was putting them in the table when Lisa walked into the kitchen in her nightgown.

She looked around her with her hair in disarray and smiled. "Good morning, dear", she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she glanced at the table. "Everything looks perfect, as always."

Letting out a sigh she sat down and spread open the newspaper I had placed next to her plate. After I had the coffee poured in two cups she took a sip from hers, and looked up smiling. "I think yours still needs some of your special cream, dear." 

Without saying a word I put the coffee pot down, took off my apron, which was the only thing I was allowed to wear indoors, and started masturbating. Lisa continued reading the paper, but gave me occasional glances. 

In a matter of less than a minute I grunted, and ejaculated in the coffee. With me still panting, Lisa looked up and smiled at me. "Good boy", she said. "Now let's eat."

After I had gotten the breakfast things away Lisa decided it would be a perfect day for a walk. After all, it was Saturday, and there was a warm, sunny day outside. 

It took a while for her to get ready. Finally she walked downstairs where I was waiting by the door to get my outside clothes. Instead, however, she merely handed me my pink collar I was expected to wear anyway when I went outside.

"This is all you need, dear today" she said smiling. "Like I said, it is such a warm and beautiful day. And it’s been a while I’ve had a chance to show you off properly."   

We headed out to the park that was located near where lived. There was a large area of grass fields, trees, ponds, playing areas, ice cream stands and gravel roads criss-crossing the park. It was a popular place for people to spend their time, and being as beautiful day it was, the park was quite busy.

I walked next to Lisa and I tried to get used being somewhere this public completely naked. Just like Lisa had said, it had been a while since the last time, and I had forgotten how it felt. There were a few glances from people as we walked side by side, from women, men and children alike. After all, this wasn't something you saw every day in a public park. 

I felt Lisa taking me by the hand. I looked at her and saw her smiling. I couldn’t help but to smile back.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Well, exposed, mostly."

I saw Lisa smiling. "Good. You're supposed to."

It had been mere ten years. Thinking back, it was hard to believe how quickly everything had happened, and how quickly everyone had accepted it. Some still liked to call it a revolution, but more than that it felt merely a slow progress towards an inevitable outcome. 

Everything had happened so gradually it was even hard to pinpoint when exactly it all had begun. Little by little women had started pass men by, let it be academic life, business or politics. The number of female world leaders started to rise, very quickly men understood the world is better off led by women.

One after another the wars all across the globe ended, in each case soon after the sides of the conflicts got a woman as the head of state. In a few short years the armies everywhere were disbanded. All the resources used earlier to fund the military were now directed at education, science, creating renewable energy and ending the world hunger.

The same thing happened to all major religions, as people realized misogynistic they all were. In a matter of years they lost majority of their members and were outlawed a few years later. The only religions that remained were the ones that worshiped a female deity of some sort.

At the time there was several attempts to give the new system a name. Even after everyone had agreed it hadn't been a revolution but a peaceful progression, it seems humankind had the need to name everything. The term that most people feel describe it the best is femocracy, the next inevitable and natural step up from democracy. However, many people feel such labels are in the end unnecessary.

Everybody understood the world being run it had been for centuries was now at end of its road. An all female UN general assembly created the outlines for a new world order all nations of the world were committed to follow. This meant making drastic changes in the social structure but everybody understood they had to be done.

The new system was based on discoveries about the correlation between male intellectual capacities and parts of their physique. It seemed the data had been there for generations, but scientists had lacked courage to come forward with it. Considering the nature of their findings no one can blame them.

The thing this is, it seemed there was a direct correlation between male’s penis size and his intelligence, as well as other characteristics. The bigger penis a male had, the more limited his intellectual capacity was. Those with large penises also tend to be more aggressive, which had often led them in the places of power in the society.

Males were still needed for procreation but something had to be done to them. Everyone also understood it was to keep malekind permanently as far away from positions of power as possible. Even males themselves admitted there was an aggressive quality in all of them, a one that could cause trouble in the future.

Therefore it was decided the humankind would be divided into four separate classes, F, M, S and L classes. These classes defined the role in which every individual would have in the new world order. The new system was put into effect in every nation of the world in a matter of years.

Class F meant women, with full citizenship rights, and it was also the ruling class. Class M meant real men, defined as such by their penis size, their ability to get hard, and their overall physique. They had citizenship rights, as well, but they were unable to hold a political position. In social life they were subservient to women, and every M was expected to obey any F, with no exceptions.

Every girl was F from the day she was born, and there was no way she could lose that status. Boys however were tested annually since they turned 12, to determine their possible future. The final decision had to be made when they turned 18 the latest. At that point it was decided whether they would keep their pending M status, or become classified as S.

Class S meant sissy. Anyone belonging to that class didn't have citizenship rights, and was seen more or less as property. Every S had to have an F as the official caretaker, more or less an owner. Just like men, sissies had to obey every command given them by their superiors, in other words men or women.

Unlike M's however, sissies couldn't own anything, apply for a school or a job, or hold a position of any kind, not any more than a pet would. They could also be sold like any other kind of property. This also applied when it came to legislation. Even though human rights didn't apply to S's, they were protected the same way animals and other property were.

What set M and S classes apart was also the fact that before being made officially an M, males had to undergo a vasectomy. To most if not all M's this was great news, since it meant they could have sex as much as they liked, without the fear of knocking someone up. F's on the other hand were now able to have sex with M's without having to fear to become pregnant.

Each class was divided in five subcategories. The category you belonged to more or less defined your role in life. The higher the rating, the more chances you had in life. This information was also something you were supposed to disclose to anyone belonging to a higher class if being asked. 

The new system was all in all ingenious. It kept women as the ruling class, and made sure the M class was consisted only of males with limited intellectual capacity, therefore making them an ideal working class. The system also kept males with enough brains even farther from the positions of power, as a sissy servant class and a breeding stock.

The idea was to allow only the brightest as well as most docile part of the male population to reproduce. After all, the qualities seen traditionally male had been the root of all the world's problems. The idea was to get rid of those qualities in the future, and make the male species more and more docile with each generation.  

Even below the class S there was the Class L. They were rarely seen, since L's mostly worked in government owned, female led facilities, factories, farms and so on. Most men resisting the new world order or committing crimes against F's were made L's. 

The threat of becoming an L was also a great deterrent for all every S. If you broke the rules, disobeyed F, or tried to run away from your caretaker you could be made an L and sent to the labour camps. For many S that meant perishing in a matter of few years.

When the new system was created a lot of thought was put into making males as harmless to women as possible. Nowadays, after a male had been declared an L he or rather it was made infertile, just like M's. After all, their sperm was something no one wanted impregnating women, even less so than M's.

The question that caused a lot of discussion was whether L's should be castrated or not. Finally the all-female UN board decided that L's who were either L5 or L4 had to keep their genitals, but anyone below L3 were castrated. 

This too worked as an effective deterrent. Disobeying your superior or committing a crime didn't not only mean losing your freedom, but also your genitals, as well. It wasn't a big surprise males everywhere were nowadays extremely well behaved, especially towards women. 

I was class S-2. My rating meant I was only one step up from the lowest rating an S could have. S-2 meant I not only had a small penis but also a one I couldn't get hard. The fact I was not S-1, however, indicated I had other skills to compensate my inadequacies.  

I still feel lucky getting the rating I did. I had been over thirty when the new law had been passed, and I knew exactly well what was in store for me as I registered at the national screening center. I was a single man living alone, had always known I had a small penis, and I had been impotent for several years thanks type one diabetes. 

The classification process was a huge undertaking, given the size of the population, and I spent three weeks at the screening center. During that time every male was thoroughly documented. Their genitalia was photographed and he was tested in various ways as well to determine his rating. 

My time at the center must have been the strangest periods of my life. The screening center resembled very much an interment camp, a one on which all the prisoners were male and wardens were women. None of us were permitted to use clothing during our time there, and our sexual performance was tested by government official and wardens alike.

The idea of the screening process was not only to classify each male, but also to give every "unattended" S a F as guardian. If a husband was classifies an S her wife had a right to claim him, but she was in no way obliged to do so. Most women claimed their existing spouses, but there was a lot of exceptions as well. 

Furthermore, every woman, previously unmarried or married, were encouraged to reclaim an unattended S free of charge. The S's with highest rating or had otherwise positive things said about them in their files were naturally most sought after. Even though I did my best at the center, I am still extremely grateful for having as good caretaker as Lisa.

One could even say the new system had been a stroke of luck for me. Being single as well as impotent I had by that time accepted the fact I would spend the rest of my life alone. Never to have anyone to share my life with, or to feel needed and wanted. Lisa had changed all that.

"I think I will want to have an ice cream", Lisa said after we had walked half way through the park and reached the big pond in the middle of it. "Go get me one. I'll go sit over there on one of those benches."

I did as I was told and soon returned to her holding cone of strawberry ice cream. I handed the cone to her, and she gave it a big lick and smiled.  

"Stool", Lisa said looking up at me, and I placed myself on hands and knees on the gravel in front of her. Then arched my back so my ass was pointing high up in the air. A moment later I felt Lisa placing her feet on my backside, and letting out a deep sigh. 

I stayed completely motionless, and watched people passing us. No one made a single comment almost as if the situation was perfectly normal. Which of course it was. I saw two young short haired women walking past us, one of them carrying in her arms a little girl, perhaps five years of age. After a while a larger group passed us, consisting of several women and men, and screaming kids in their tow.

A little further away I saw pairs of slender young men as well as more burly types walking next to each other. They all looked like they were very much in love. I also noticed two older women, both having in a leash a male considerably younger than them, wearing a short skirt and a skimpy top. I wondered whether either of the boys were their sons. 

When the new system was created everyone soon understood it meant the destruction of so called nuclear family. Nowadays the only legal union recognized by the state is the one between two women. After all, a union between a woman and someone subservient to her would have made little sense. Surprisingly quickly most women accepted the new system, and had another F as the official spouse.

Sexual and sometimes even romantic relationships between women and men still existed of course, but most of them were nowadays bisexual and polyamorous in nature. In the end women had the upper hand, of course, as men understood that any violence towards women led them quickly being declared a L and being sent to work camps.

Many if not most people nowadays lived in bigger households in which there could have been several F's as the heads of the family, several M's subservient to them, an S servant staff, as well as the offspring. Every child had one's biological mother as the official guardian, sometimes another F as well.

Also reproduction itself was nowadays strictly regulated. Everyone understood the fact people had been allowed to reproduce freely was the reason the world had been the cause for the world to be in such a state. A permission to have an offspring was now granted by the global breeding council, and especially the male sperm was examined closely before it was decided whether a woman could be impregnated with it.

There were also many sperm banks containing semen from millions of sissies worldwide. In fact, donating sperm regularly to donor automats in most street corners was mandatory for all S's, even though they had no idea whether their sperm was going to be used or even stored in the bank.  Lisa made sure I got myself milked on these automats at least once a week, sometimes more often.

So, in theory I could have offspring somewhere, but I had no idea of knowing it, since most children nowadays grew up without knowing their biological father. Especially when it came to girls, many felt this was a good way to prevent them developing unhealthy feelings towards a male in their formative years. 

It wasn't unheard for a woman to grow attached to her sissy so much she wanted to reproduce with him, of course. Even in that case the sissy's sperm had to be analyzed before the permission was granted, nor the S in question, could be named as a guardian. After all, making a piece of property a parent for someone would have made no sense. 

Also, the S's in question had very little or nothing to say in the upbringing of their biological offspring, and the word "father" was quickly becoming a thing of a past. However, they were commonly used as nannies when the children were small, since their skills were ideal for the job.

One of the main goals was also to make the human race as genetically diverse as possible. If artificial insemination had been used it was common for all the children in the family to be different race. This had been a good way of eradicating the old style nuclear family, but had also weeded racism out as well.

Sometimes I wondered, as my genitals were inside the sperm collecting automat and I was being milked in a street corner,  whether I had offspring somewhere in the world. If I did, however, they would most likely be living across the globe, and I would have no way of knowing where. It was best for sissies not to think such things, everybody said.

I kept my ass up and listened Lisa eating her ice cream. It seemed she wasn't in any hurry, but my task was to keep still until she was finished. 

As I looked in front of me I noticed some distance away on the lawn I saw a group of children that seemed to be arguing about something. Then I realized the group of girls wasn't fighting. A boy around the same age was standing in middle of the group and some of the girls were talking excitedly at him, and sounding angry. 

A small part of me hoped the kids wouldn't notice me and Lisa, since it could very well give the girls an idea to do the same to the boy, and stripped him of his clothing. Naturally I realized hoping that wouldn't be any kind of favour for him. He would have to get used to it sooner or later in his life.  

Little scenes were quite common these days and a natural way for boys to learn from a very early age what their place in life was. This was done both by the girls of their own age as well the society in general. The girls on the other hand understood the control they have over all the males. It didn't matter whether if it is someone around their own age, an older M, an S or even their biological father.

With boys the process was a bit more complex. The day a boy got his classification was a major point in his life. If the boy was made an M he got full citizenship rights and became an adult in the eyes of the law. The males developed at different rate, however, and if the annual screening proved he had reached manhood earlier he could be made a full M even a year or two before his peers.

If a boy was given full citizenship and all the benefits that came along with it, before his friends it naturally meant a huge rise in social status for him. On the other hand if you were the last boy of your age group to do so, or were made an S, you realized very quickly your new place in life.

Majority of male population were M's. After thorough screening eight boys out of ten were had mental capacity low enough to made one.  There was also few of those, even though only a tiny fraction within each age group, that had to be made L's. No one liked it, but everybody understood its necessity. 

There was also cases in which a boy showed intellectual promise or other signs of becoming a future S, but had too large penis. In those cases he was fitted a permanent chastity cage small enough to prevent normal cock growth. In some cases he was also made impotent surgically. On the other hand boys with small penises who showed too little promise intellectually were made M-1's. The most important thing was to get them eliminated them from the gene pool.  

In school girls and boys were divided in separate classes, or as it was usually the case, to separate schools. The primary function of the schooling system was also to teach boys their place in the society ruled by women, and to girls their rightful place ruling it and men. Especially the boys were taught how much worse things had been when the world had been led by men.

As the children grew up they were screened regularly. The brightest of girls were given more and more attention whereas the boys were taught only the most basic skills. Universities and the higher education was naturally reserved only for F's, and the M's could study at the college level the highest, to prevent them from reaching too high positions inside society.

After she turned 16, every F was free to do whatever she wanted. Many times however they stayed in one way or another as a part of the household, though. Very often her mother had the means to help her in the beginning of her career, especially if she continued in her mother's footsteps in politics or business. 

After a M had officially made one he had a relative freedom to do the same, with certain restrictions. Also, it was customary for young M's to listen to one's guardian's wishes, at that point, since she usually had also the means to help you financially.

If you became an S, the decision was up to the guardian, whether to keep you as a part of the household, or to find a suitable F for you to become your new guardian. This was usually done in mutual understanding with the F's guardian, in most cases her mother, as well as the F in question, of course.

At least that was the ideal case. In reality only a small percentage of the all the S's were lucky enough to be in a situation like that. If you didn't have good relations with your guardian, or if your behaviour had left too much to be desired for you could also be sold to a new guardian. In most cases, to a one who  

In fact. many times selling off, or sometimes leasing your S son was a good way for an elderly mother to have a secure old age. If she had several, she could sell or lease a number of them to be able to help her daughters financially, and keep her favourite, usually the youngest one as a servant.

Even though there was M's who received some education, they were mostly used in performing, to put it bluntly, most of the menial tasks in the society. Men did still work in politics, but only as assistants and secretaries. They weren't allowed to run into office, and the higher positions in all fields of society was reserved to women by the law. Naturally men didn't have the right to vote either.

For males the screenings and annual check-ups didn't stop when they got their M classification, but they continued all through their lives. Each time his manhood determined his new rating which was updated to official databases. Usually when the M hit forty his rating started to fall, which meant pay reduction and lower social status for him. If the M's rating was too low employers weren't required or even interested to keep the males employed. 

After a male lost his M-1 status he was given a chance to either become an S, or an L. For most men the idea of becoming an S, a life as no more than a possession, and a life without even the most basic human rights, was too much to bear, and they chose becoming an L. Same fate awaited for every S with low enough rating. This in turn kept every S with rating low enough extremely motivated to serve one's owner.

After a considerable time I felt Lisa lifting her feet off my back. "Okay, up", I heard a sharp command. I got up on my knees and faced her.

"Open", she said giving me an order like I had been a dog, and I opened my mouth. Lisa fed the end of the waffle to me, and watched smiling as I chewed it down.

"Thank you", I said and saw Lisa chuckle. "That's a good boy" she said and ruffled my hair.

Lisa got up, ordered me to do the same, took hold of my hand. 

As we continued our walk I couldn't but noticing the wide range of sexual preferences visible in the park. In a way it resembled what pride parades had done back in the day. 

Even though the system was created primarily to put the male gender and its sexuality in control, it meant big change for all types of sexuality, no matter if you were straight, bi, gay, lesbian or poly, submissive, dominant or vanilla, male, female or trans. In fact to almost all of them the new system was a huge improvement.

For lesbians the new system was naturally an ideal one. After all, an union between two F's was now the only one recognized by the state, and no one asked what took place in F's bedrooms. Also M's could now indulge freely in gay relationships. And if you were an S you were expected to be able and willing to service both men and women, making your original preference unimportant.

Unions between M's existed as well, and even though they were encouraged, gay men didn't have a chance to adopt, since two male parental figures would have been even more problematic than one. Very few gay M's even wanted to do so, since it seemed the need to care for offspring was often linked with qualities S's normally had.

Relationships between S's were encouraged as well. It was something you were expected to do when you were a sissy, after all. Naturally their unions weren't recognized by the law, any more than one between two pets would be. They had no chance living together unless their owners allowed it, and they could be separated if their owners so wished.

Encouraging gay relationships served several important functions. It was needed to break down the status heterosexual, male dominated relationships had once had. The less contact or at least sexual relationships male and female genders had the better. It also made controlling the size of the population much easier.

Women who felt submissive to men and men who felt dominant to women proved to be a bigger problem. In the first case, however, it proved to be smaller than initially believed. After all, any woman could now order any M or even an S to do to her whatever she wanted, no matter what the orientation of the males in question.  

If a male had leaning to dominant towards women that was revealed very early on in the screening process. In most cases these males had other M-1 characteristics as well. Even though this gave them a higher social status than most men, it also meant in the long run they could be eliminated from the gene pool.

This information was also added to all public databases, both as a warning to anyone who didn't want to be dominated, but also for those women or men who did. Also, the world was now full of cute sissies for a dominant M's who were bi-flexible enough. This was one of the many beauties of the new system. The consequences of doing anything to a woman against her will being as high as they were, it would have made no sense, with all the S's around obliged to obey you. 

Another question to consider were those feeling not in their assigned gender. Naturally no M full of age could be made a W. This was understandable, it was clear many M's could claim they were women if this meant a higher social status. In many cases the M in question applied to be made an S instead, allowing them to live a life filled with femininity.

Naturally before this could happen they had to be made infertile and very often to undergo penis reduction procedure as well. After all, no one wanted their sperm to soil the gene pool. In many cases the M's in question were more than happy to do this, since a tiny nub between their legs made it so much more easy imagining to be a woman.

F's who felt more men than women could be corrected to M's, of course, as long as they understood what it meant for their future. Only a few W's chose that route, however. After all, it was easier for a woman to live a man's life than the other way around.

Questions like these were a problem only for the grown-up population, of course. The screening all boys and girls had to go through annually existed so those of them not belonging to their assigned gender could be recognized and treated early enough.

The system wasn't meant to be equal one, but it worked. After it had been put to use the number or rape cases had practically disappeared, as well as all forms of sexual harassment towards women. In fact, crime rate in general had plummeted during the last ten years. After all, most crimes in the past had been committed by males, and still were.

The police force consisted nowadays of only women, and had proved to be extremely effective. Not only the had all means at their disposal when it interrogating males, the suspects knew that by lying or refusing to answer to an F they would make even bigger crime than the one they were most likely charged of. Problems only arose when an F committed a crime. This was, however, very rare. 

Part II:
The Perfect Mate

The day was so beautiful we ended up doing a much longer walk than normally, and by the time we got home we were both exhausted.

"I need to take a rest now", Lisa said after getting her shoes off. Then she looked at me, gave a kiss on my cheek and smiled. "I think you should start getting the dinner ready."   

I went to the kitchen and started to take out everything needed and put the apron on. Even though I was usually totally nude around the house, my owner approved the use of an apron. She didn't want grease burn all over her property, she said.

As I started the dinner I felt a familiar pressure in my lower abdomen. It seemed the morning coffee had now entered my bladder. However, I knew I would have only one chance to relieve my bladder today, and I didn't want to waste it yet, and concentrated on the meal.

I had no idea whether my own cum would make a part of my own meal, and it was possible my owner didn't either. I had ejaculated into my coffee in the morning, but it was now over six hours ago, and I knew from the experience there was already another batch of warm sperm waiting in my testicles.

I had accepted very quickly soon after my owner had clamed me that orgasming and cumming would be something not up to me anymore, but to Lisa. I would have them as rarely and as often as she whished, when she wished, and where she wished. 

After all, that was usually the case with those in the S class, and in some cases also with adolescent boys who expressed S like tendencies. All children were taught masturbation was normal and healthy thing to do, but it was just good manners for boys to ask permission from a girl before ejaculating. Girls were taught they were, however, in no way obliged to say yes, and that this was yet another thing they could use controlling boys.

The fact the orgasms S's had were controlled made sense in other respects as well. They were now considered a property, and therefore were their testicles, just like their anuses and every other part of their bodies. That's why it was up to their owners, not the property, when and how it was going to be used, just like anything else they owned. 

My cumming it had undergone various phases over the years, depending on my owner's mood. There been times Lisa had limited my orgasms to a absolute minimum, times she had wanted to see how often it was possible for me to cum and times she had made me to cum at the oddest of times, very often quite unexpectedly.

I had been extremely relieved during our little walk earlier Lisa hadn't made me cum in the park while she had her rest, for example. A year or so back during a very similar Saturday walk she had asked me to get two strawberry smoothies, and while she was eating hers I was to masturbate and cum on mine.

Several people stopped by to watch as I was doing this, and soon I had a small crowd as an audience. It included also children, and I remember one little girl, perhaps five or six years old, being carried in her arms by her mother, asking what I was doing. The mother gave her daughter a detailed answer, and told me what I was doing and why. I also remember some of the teenagers taking photos with their phones.

After I had ejaculated into the smoothie I started eating it with a spoon with the people watching. I remember how my hands were shaking, since that was the first time I had done it such publicly. Still, I knew what was expected of me, and it was clear Lisa had enjoyed every minute of it.      

In a way, cumming had lost almost all of its sexual nature for me. It still felt good, and I was grateful for them to Lisa, but at the same time it was merely something was made to do.

At the moment Lisa was very much into seeing me eat my cum. Apparently she had read an article at some point where it was said it was good for a male's health. Therefore, for several months now, I had eaten every drop of cum I ejaculated as a part of a meal, let it be cereal, porridge, toast, ice cream or like this morning, coffee. Thanks to this I now got to cum daily, so I wasn't complaining.  

The thing was, this wasn't the case in nearly every household, and many things men and women had previously taken for granted, and still did I suppose, but that were now privileges for sissies. One such example in my case was urinating. I was now allowed to urinate only once per day, so I had to choose the time I did it carefully. This too was something Lisa had read somewhere. 

Another example were bed privileges, and misbehaving could very quickly lead to losing them for a time. For these occasions there was a basket in the bedroom corner where I could sleep like a dog. If the situation called for it I could also be chained to a radiator somewhere else the house, made to sleep in the garage or outside in the yard, depending on my owner's mood.

This mood very often depended on my performance inside the bedroom, to use an old metaphor, in other words how successful I had been getting Lisa to orgasm. In fact our sex life revolved solely around her orgasms, her pleasure and her needs. They were extremely important to me as well, since much of my privileges depended on how well I managed to serve her.

My orgasms never happened inside the bedroom, both figuratively and concretely. As I said, I still did cum, a lot, but as far as our sex life was concerned they didn't play any kind of part in it. The mere thought of me cumming as a part of our mutual sex life felt now wrong and unnatural. Our sex life was supposed to be about my owner's pleasure, and bringing my cumming into it would have soiled it completely.

This didn't to say our sex life wasn't extremely fulfilling and satisfying for both of us. It contained o lot of intimacy, closeness, revealing our deepest sex fantasies to each other, and in most cases carrying them out as well. In fact before I met Lisa I could have never believed having something like it. The fact that I made love to my owner with my tongue and fingers instead my penis made no difference.

Another thing that played a big part in our love life was my anal training. It was generally expected for every S to have a trained anus. After all, having sex on command with both women and men was what they did. Therefore Lisa made sure I trained my anus regularly and occasionally she bought me new toys to keep me loose.

The same applied to boys who started to express qualities normally connected with being an S. Usually it was begun even before they hit puberty. Underage boys had very little privacy in today's world, and their mothers were expected to keep an eye on their development. If it seemed the boy had a clearly undersized penis it was up to the mother to start the anal training. It was a tell-tale sign if the boy adapted to this without problems.

In addition to the annual screenings the boys were taken by their mothers two to three times a year to the local health care center where they could be evaluated both physically and psychologically. It was extremely vital to be able to detect and weed out possible disruptive qualities in them as soon as possible. Part of me hoped I had been born twenty years later. My life would have been so much more clear cut if I had.

When it came to everyday arrangements the relationship between me and Lisa seemed a rather normal, even in the standards of the old world. We lived together like a husband and wife, and I usually slept in bed with her, just like live-in boyfriends and husbands once had. I took care of the house while she worked.

My owner was a few years older than me, and she worked as a doctor in the nearby hospital. Just as every officer in the police force, all the doctors nowadays were women, of course, as well as nurses. Her pay was good and we lived in a big house in a nice area in the suburbs. Our life was pretty much perfect.  

One could even say our lifestyle resembled very much the 1950's ideal, only with roles reversed. Every day when Lisa got home I was to greet her by the front door kneeling like a good little wife. Usually I had to have something for her she had earlier asked for, whether it be a cold drink or something else. 

Sometimes Lisa also liked to have fun making me to have a plug in while I was waiting her by the door, or clothespins on my body, most often on my genitals. Occasionally she liked me to have a bit of make-up or lipstick, or to have my hair up in a certain way. Things like that were simply signs of affection on her part, and I felt good being allowed to obey her. 

Sometimes, if my owner was extra stressed or had a bad day, she could even make me eat her out first thing after coming home, right in the hallway. She said she just needed it to take her mind off things. On those occasions I tried to do as good job as I possibly could, knowing she depended on me getting her off as quickly as possible.

If it was warm enough Lisa sometimes wanted me to wait her outside by the door, either kneeling on or all fours. Especially on those times she didn't give me an exact time when she would be arriving, only an estimate. Often she also had the habit of using my back as a bench, as she sipped down the drink I had brought to her, sometimes even telling me about her day a bit, which I treasured very much.

Occasionally, if it was warm enough my owner liked to take me on a walk around the block after I had washed the dishes after our evening meal. On those occasions Lisa liked me to follow her on all fours, and to have me on a leash. Often she gave me something girly, like an extra short skirt to wear, but like I said, occasionally she took me out naked.

During our walkies we often came across with out neighbors, some of which were out with the same business, on a walk with their sissies. It was customary to stop in a street corner to chat or exchange info on what had happened to someone living in the neighborhood, and sometimes these stops could take ages.  

We didn't have children, even though Lisa hadn't ruled out the possibility entirely. She had three sons from her earlier marriage, all of which had been declared M's, and even though she couldn't have children herself anymore, she sometimes played with the idea of marrying a nice lesbian girl and having children with her, by using my sperm.

She had even had my sperm tested, and it seemed I would be a perfect candidate for it, especially considering my low S rating, size of my penis and inability to get hard. Even though I knew there was a chance for me having offspring somewhere the chance to care a child of my own was something I longed for. At the time I met Lisa I had already accepted I wouldn't have chance for it, so naturally the thought was an exciting one for me.

We also had a quite a busy social life, in fact much more social than my own life had lived alone. People dropped often by, both on weekdays and especially on Sundays. These afternoon visits were quite common and no Sunday went past without us having guests. Naturally having people over demanded quite a lot from me, in more ways than one.

Nowadays, when there was a social call, a couple living next door or friends dropping by, and if there was a sissy in the house, it was considered common courtesy to offer not only tea, coffee and other refreshments, but sissy's sexual services, as well. It wasn't obligatory to accept it, but offering it was just good manners.

Therefore, after I had served everyone coffee or tea, and our visitors were chatting in our living room, I was to offer them oral services, first to women and then men. Often the women declined, unfortunately, if they wanted to concentrate on something they had to discuss with my owner.

If they were accompanied with a M, however, he almost always wanted me to suck him off. The men almost never declined a blow-job, and if women put it in the form of an order they wouldn't even had the chance to do so. I also had a feeling women liked to watch it, the way people liked to watch pets or children playing with each other.

It was up to the sissy to do all the actual work, which meant first kneeling on the floor in front of the male guest in question, then unzipping the fly, then digging out his cock, and after the M had ejaculated into my mouth, cleaning his cock and putting it back in, as well as thanking our guest for the cum.

Even though I wasn't gay and it had taken a bit of getting used to giving blow-jobs the way sissies were expected to, I had gotten quite good at it, noticed I had a talent for it. Naturally this made me very glad, since I knew it was expected of me, and I wanted to be good at what I did.

It was equally good manners to offer the guests toilet services in the similar manner. This part of my duties had taken even more of getting used to. However, the training for it had begun already at the screening center, and I had understood years ago it was merely something that was expected of me, and it wasn't a question whether I liked it or not.

In fact that too was one of the things kids nowadays were encouraged to incorporate to their games from very early age. Boys were expected to drink and digest the feces of girls of all ages as they grew up. The boys feeling most comfortable doing this to girls and as they got older, other boys, were most likely to grow up as S's.     

If the women didn't have anything pressing to discuss, and the visit was more a social call, especially if the our visitors consisted of solely women I usually got to lick them off too. I had gotten pretty good at cunnilingus over the years, even if I say so myself. Sometimes there was up to six or seven women present, if more of my owner's friends had decided to drop by.

Occasionally Lisa and her friends arranged larger gatherings, as well. These parties usually took place on Saturdays, and were held either at our place or the houses of my owner's friends. In the former case it took quite a lot of preparation as well as cleaning up afterwards, all of which was naturally my responsibility.

These parties could include up to thirty or forty women and their sissies. The sissies were present to serve food and drink for the guests, and as the evening progressed, to serve the women in other ways as well. It was also quite common for sissies to offer amusement for the guests by sucking each other off while the women watched. 

If there was a M present, there was often various form cuckolding involved. M's could fuck some of the women from behind, with a sissy lying under her ready to receive the cum into its mouth as it poured out of her pussy. Occasionally, especially if there were several M's present, the women liked to arrange a bukkake session with the M's ejaculating onto one of the sissies face. Usually this honor belonged to the sissy of the house. 

Many times these parties were the best way for the women to present, or in some cases, show off a sissy they had recently purchased, especially if the owner was exceptionally pleased with it in some way, for example if the sissy had an exceptionally small penis or a slender and feminine physique, or they had a talent for something that interested people.

I wasn't very young or very fit anymore, and sometimes I couldn't help comparing myself to the younger sissies. Still, I did my best and that seemed to be enough for my owner. Quite often these parties got quite wild especially in the wee hours of the night, as the women got even more liberated than usually.

Sometimes also Lisa's relatives came to visit us, and it was my job to offer them refreshments, just like to any other guest. Occasionally there were whole families or parts of an extended family present, including people from all ages, including teenagers.

Teenage boys didn't usually pay much interest towards me and were more interested playing video games with each other during their visits. I also had a feeling teenage boys were a bit intimidated by me, because they knew there was a chance this could be their fate some day, as well. 

The girls, however, were another matter entirely, especially ones in their early teens. They were in the age when they had started realize the power they had over males, and many times they wanted to exert their power on me, just because they could. Naturally I had to obey. In some cases this was rather strange, since I had known most of them, and they had known me, ever since they had been kids.

The girls were quite inventive at what they did, or had me do, and seemed to become more so the older they got. Sometimes they even made me to suck one of the teenage boys of the family off, just to see first hand how it happens. The teenage boys had no chance of saying no, of course.

Their curiosity when it came how male body functioned seemed to be endless, and they were eager to use me as a guinea pig. I can only suspect that even though there would have been sissies everywhere to use, practicing their power on me, someone they had known all their lives felt safer somehow. 

The women of the family were aware of all of this, of course. In fact Lisa was quite proud the girls of the family had developed such a bond with me, and that I was able to provide them useful information and experience on how males were to be treated. Naturally it made me very happy as well.

When it came taking care of the house I had many liberties, compared to some other S's. For example I was allowed to go out unattended, which wasn't nearly always the case. Many sissies had movement locators attached to them, that would go off immediately if the sissy in question left the house, and alert the police. That usually meant automatic L rating for the male in question.

I was free to move outside the house. However, I was to to wear my pink sissy collar visible where ever I went. Also I had a locator and Lisa could pinpoint me at any time using her phone, in case she was curious where I was. Our house was also full of surveillance cameras which made her possible to check in on me and see what I was doing during the day. Naturally I had no idea when this took place.

This was common practice among more liberal minded F's, and sharing the feeds on their sissies had even become a hobby of sorts. There was even websites available, on which any woman could upload one's feed, and to check up what other sissies were doing. I had no idea whether my owner had added me there or not, even though sometimes I had my suspicions.

Sometimes Lisa would call me, and congratulated me finishing some chore extra fast, and inform me I would be rewarded with an orgasm. On those occasions she was very precise where and how she wanted me to cum. That could have been just for her own amusement, but it was impossible to say for sure, and it wasn't my place to ask.

Having no idea whether I was observed while I was doing housework was a rather unsettling but also an intriguing experience. It was also a constant reminder I was at every moment potentially performing not only to my owner, but also to number of her friends, This motivated me to do a good job at all times.

The long distance surveillance network was there naturally to keep under control and punish the sissies, as well. Just like any other S, I was punished regularly, when my work had been less than satisfactory, or my owner wanted something fun to watch during the day.

Indoors Lisa required me to wear nothing else than my sissy collar. When I was outside, for example on my trips to the grocery store, I was allowed to use normal male clothing, a set of clothes Lisa had specifically set aside as my outdoor wear. This set often included miniskirts, skimpy tops, and some other things usually connected with being a sissy.  

Sissies weren't allowed to drive a car, which meant these trips were often quite eventful. After all, the idea of an sissy like me was to obey every woman and man, no matter who they were, and to be available to be used by them. There was often stops on my trips to grocery store with me giving a blow job to someone in the front seat of his car, for example. 

In fact some supermarkets and some other areas had become notorious "fishing places" for gay or bi M's wanting to get their rocks off. All they had to do was to park their car on the lot, or to the side of a street and wait for an passing S who they found pleasing. Some women did this as well, even though much more rarely.

It was also quite common for a group of teenage girls to stop a sissy on the street or somewhere else and practice the use of their authority on him. This could mean anything from merely amusing them by performing humiliating tasks to doing sexual pleasures for them. In fact I had noticed older sissies like me were often used such manner, because many of us had skills boys at their age didn't.

Even though I was sometimes stripped naked, and ordered to walk home that way, often things written on my body with lipstick, to completely take away the clothing I was wearing wasn't allowed. Everyone knew it was impossible for sissy to own anything, which meant whatever we were wearing was the property of our owners, and taking that would have been stealing from her. Also permanently damaging a sissy was forbidden.

All of the things I ended up doing on those trips weren't sexual of course, and they ranged from helping to load a cart full of groceries to someone's car on the parking lot, to helping in a move someone needed an extra pair of hands to. Objecting to a direct command wasn't an option for a sissy. However, if my trips took much time and the food wasn't on table on time I was naturally punished.

Also, even though sissies like me had the liberty to move outside the house this was not always wise, and not all people looked kindly of sissies moving out and about unattended. This was especially the case after dark. If police met an unattended sissy somewhere in the city without his owner after dark, he had better have a good explanation ready.  

So, in a way the relative freedom I enjoyed was a double-edged sword for a sissy. The more they were confined to their owner's house, or wherever they wanted to use their sissies, the less freedom they had, but it also meant they were relatively safe from harm. More liberties they had, the more possibilities other citizens had to use them, as well. 

Even though there was incident now and then when a woman of a group of young women, or an M had overstepped their authority, leading to sissy being damaged, everyone agreed the system worked so much better than the one that had been in use earlier. Everyone knew their place, what was permitted, and what was expected of them.

It was also common practice for women to loan one's sissy to a female friend, if the sissy in question had a skill the friend needed, just like any other piece of property. This skill could vary, from things like being exceptionally good at cunnilingus, to things that had nothing to do with sex. 

This could mean helping around the house or doing light carpeting and decorating work, even though this wasn't something sissies were naturally very good at. If their work left too much to something to be desired for, they were naturally punished by their owners afterwards.

I had heard there were even websites where women could trade sissies' services. Apparently each sissy had a report sheet and whoever had used the sissy could rate it afterwards. The better job you did, the more skilled sissies your owner could use in the future. Lisa seemed fonder of me than owners in general, and hadn't put me in the system, even though she said the thought intrigued her.    

Lisa did loan me occasionally to our neighbors and friends living nearby, though. She liked me to do our own yard work and gardening nude, especially during the summer, and many times I was loaned to our neighbors as well, to do the same for them. Partly, I felt, this was because my owner wanted to show me off as much as possible. 

I didn't mind this, of course, and tried to do as good work as possible, whatever it was that I was asked to do. It also offered nice change of pace in my life often filled with the same household chores day in and say out. On the other hand, if I had been on loan for a day or more, it merely meant I had more to do around our own house.  

This feature in the system, a one that could be called a sort of "barter economy" was perhaps the true beauty of the new system. Not only was this part of the male population kept much better in control, they were now an interchangeable commodity, like any other piece of property. If your own sissy couldn't do something a sissy of someone else could.

In addition to barter sites there were firms that functioned very much like used cars dealerships, but bought and sold sissies. These dealerships were an excellent way for mothers who couldn't find a buyer for their sissy sons, or for women who wanted to get rid of their sissy they had grown bored with, to either earn nice sum of money or find a new sissy as a replacement. Living arrangements for sissies at these places weren't nice, of course, and no sissy wanted to end up there. 

Some of these sissy dealerships operated worldwide and often shipped them from one part of the world to another, because this way the value of the sissy in question usually went up. After all, what was plain and ordinary back home was exciting and exotic abroad. In some cases this was also done because the upkeep of sissies was cheaper overseas.  

A sissy who didn't find a buyer after a reasonable amount of time at places like this didn't have much to look for, though. They still had to be screened annually, and the way I had heard, each time a big percentage of the sissies were given an L rating. At this point the government gave a nominal amount for each L to the dealership, who was more than happy to get them off their hands.

Still, even ending up in a sissy dealership was more merciful than some stories I had heard. Apparently, if an owner of a misbehaved or otherwise unpleasing sissy got so frustrated to it, they could even abandon them on park benches with "please take" text written on its chest, and mark it on public records an unowned sissy. All an F needed to do was to walk it to the nearest registration station and sissy was hers.

If someone found and claimed the sissy before the police did, it was extremely lucky, since abandoned and unowned sissies often got an immediate re-evaluation by the state and were often ranked as L's. It was also possible for an owner of such sissy to get her sissy re-evaluated, and ask it would be classified as an L, based on its poor performance. This was somewhat rare, but not unheard of.    

In other words, it was clear without saying, that every sissy at my age worked very hard to please one's owner.

Part III
Bread and circuses

As soon as I had gotten everything ready I took the apron off. In the hallway I looked in the mirror and checked I was presentable, and then entered the living room. Lisa was reclining on the sofa and reading. She often read instead of watching television, and the walls of our living room were lined with bookshelves. 

"The dinner is ready, dear", I said keeping hands behind my back. Lisa looked up from her book and smiled. "Okay, I will be there shortly. I'm just going to finish this chapter first."

I returned to the kitchen, opened a bottle of wine and poured little for both of us. A moment later Lisa walked into the kitchen. "Oh, everything looks wonderful", she said, looking around. "You've outdone yourself again."

I held the chair for her, and then served the dinner for both of us. After everything was ready and I was about to sit down I saw Lisa shaking her head.

"Not yet, dear", she said smiling. "I think your dinner needs a bit of your extra sauce, don't you think?" 

Dutifully I started masturbating next to my plate, and after a minute ejaculated on my meal.

"Good boy", Lisa said, smiling. "Now sit down so we can start. This looks delicious, and I'm starving."

The meal took us over an hour to finish. Our Saturday meals were somewhat of a tradition for us, and we both wanted to bit more effort into them. Finally, after a strawberry ice cream dessert my owner finally got up.

"This was delicious, but I can't take a bite more", she said letting out a deep sigh. "I'm going to lie down. Join me in the living room after you're finished here."

Dutifully I started doing the dishes. Like most households ours didn't have a washing machine. Their popularity had plummeted soon after the new system was put into use. After all, what was the use of having a machine doing something any sissy could be made to do.

After I got the dishes done I joined Lisa in the living room. She had put the book away and was now watching the television, and flicking channels. I saw her looking up and smiling as I entered the room.

"Ah there you are" she said. "Could you give me a foot rub?"

"Of course, dear", I said and I kneeled next to her on the floor. I took her left foot into my hands, took the sock off and then started to lick the foot clean. The smell emanating from them was strong, but I did my best in order to get all the dirt and sweat off. 

"That's a good boy", I heard my owner say and ruffling my hair. "Do they taste good?"

"Of course they do, dear", I said between licks. "They taste divine."

After I got both feet clean I started rubbing them. As I was doing it I heard Lisa to continue flicking the channels. She seemed mostly be interested about a police drama with two female detectives in the lead, but turned the channels occasionally to news and something that looked like a light-hearted romantic comedy.  

Despite all the big changes made in the society, on surface everything looked very much like it had before new system. Like I said, we had grocery stores and supermarkets. There were bars and nightclubs, newspapers, television and movies. However, you didn't have to dig very deep to see that below the familiar looking surface many things had changed.

One didn't have to look further than the grocery shop, which after all was the place most familiar to me when it came to life outside the house. The same rules than everywhere else applied there, as well. Whenever there was a line every M was expected to let every F go before him, and every S was expected to do the same to both. 

Therefore especially during the rush hour S's shopping trip could take a while. However, all this was simply showing respect. It would have made very little sense of expecting anyone waiting for one's turn behind someone inferior. No one saw anything strange or unfair in this arrangement, quite the opposite. It was the way things worked, and everybody thought it was perfectly normal.

Same thing applied in bars and nightclubs as well, even though that wasn't familiar surroundings to me. Sissies weren't allowed there at all on their own, only with an F as an escort. I had visited them once or twice with Lisa, but they weren't my favourite places. Also, for a sissy with obligation to obey all men and women visit to one could make the night even a bit too exciting. 

The same hierarchy was in place between F's and M's, of course. F's were allowed to walk right in, but every M was screened thoroughly at the door, and those with a low M rating were expected to give their place in the line if there was a higher ranking M's present. Same applied when lining to get a drink by the counter. 

Rules like that were necessary to discourage low ranking M's getting in at all. After all, nightclubs still mainly existed to find someone to get laid with. Also, any woman had a right to see the driver's licence of any male, which included their official M rating. This way it was relatively easy for them to pick only the best performing M's to have sex with.

If you took a hold of any newspaper or a news site you quickly noticed that every journalist working there were now women. Same applied to every television channel or network, or radio. This was made simply to ensure males had as small possibilities to influence anyone even indirectly, and to show it wasn't a place for men. 

It was the same case with every form of media, which had all been cleansed of male influence. Nowadays all directors, scriptwriters and producers in movie industry and television were women. Men were also forbidden to write books and older books written by men were very hard or even impossible to come by.

All this had had an dramatic effect to the portrayal of genders in fiction, and one could say the situation was complete opposite compared to the times ten years earlier. The stories were always told from a viewpoint of a female protagonist, and especially in movies men were usually only eye-candy. Movies and shows done before the new system were equally difficult to find, only with a few exceptions. 

When the new system had been put into use one big question had been how the movie industry and television should deal with it. After all, movies and television had not only mirrored the society but influenced it and people's thinking. Even though it was considered first, everyone realized quickly that limiting working in front of the camera based on the class wouldn't have worked. You cannot do drama with only one type of people.

Therefore all classes above L's acted nowadays, in television and both in films. The pay rate followed the class though, with the biggest pay checks going to the women, and men earning a lot less than women. There was also sissy actors, but their financial matters were handled but their owners, much like child stars an animal actors back in the day had been. 

The films and television shows naturally depicted the world as it was, the way people lived their lives nowadays. This was in fact one of the reasons anything done more than a decade ago wasn't usually shown. With the whole family structure completely turned around, they simply made no sense to the viewers, especially someone who hadn't experienced it oneself.   
Romantic plots, no matter the genre, were naturally almost always about lesbian or gay relationships. If heterosexual relationships appeared in the story, they were usually only a stepping stone in the protagonist's life, until she or he found the true love of the same sex. Advertising industry followed the same guidelines or ideology, and included no straight representation.

The biggest movie stars nowadays were charismatic women actors in their fifties. On the big screen they usually had a male star half her age playing opposite her. Men's ability to get roles had a lot to do with their looks, and in many cases it also what was between their legs. In some way Hollywood hadn't changed, and the best way for a man actor to get his career going was still to sleep with a producer. 

This applied to sissy actors as well. Hollywood was still the most sought after to fame and fortune, and in many cases, if a sissy son had the looks and apparent acting ability it was their mothers who  wanted them to get into the business. Naturally everyone knew what this meant for the sissy sons in question, but them being only sissies this was generally accepted. 

When it came to child actors the same hierarchy applied. The girl actors were better paid than boys, and they got better roles. This was understandable considering how the medium had changed. The same rules applied when it came conducting with F's though, and every male knew any misconduct on set meant one way ticket to labour camps. With boys the situation was naturally different.

The new dynamic was seen everywhere, no matter whether it was on or off screen. Female movie stars, actors as well as business executives often had male "consorts" significantly younger than them by their side at when they appeared in public.

Prostitution still existed, despite the fact every man was now subservient to any woman, and men in turn had any sissy at their disposal when they so wished. Therefore most prostitutes nowadays were men and many of them were high class escorts for wealthy women. In fact, becoming a prostitute was often a natural career choice for many highest ranking M's with looks to match. This was also perfect profession for many dominant males.

Lesbian prostitution existed as well. After all, being lesbian was nowadays much more common and socially acceptable than being straight, and many women had now enough wealth to use it for sex. This was also a good way for good looking women to get ahead in life. Male even trying to use their services was strictly illegal though, and was a sure way to ending up as L.   

Porn was still being made, but it was very different from the one made a decade earlier. In fact it was more or less the only industry in which the new system had meant improvement for men. The most well paid porn actors were nowadays men, but their role resembled much more the one women had had previously.

Just like in movie business all the producers and directors were now women, and most of the porn was aimed at women. However, it was strictly regulated, and misogyny so common in porn earlier was forbidden. Anyone even trying to do old style male dominated porn quickly found himself with one-way ticket to an L facility.

Majority of porn was lesbian and gay variety. Female domination, sissyfication, and various types of genital torture involving males on the other hand was favoured. Also sissy porn was a big thing nowadays, and seemed to become more and more popular as time passed.

Just like prostitution, porn was a logical career choice for men who felt comfortable doing it. The pay was good, at least for the few years you were a fresh face enough and were able to do the things you were expected to.

It was also quite common for many mothers who had S sons, to "lease" them to porn for extra income. Especially gay porn, and porn including genital torture and humiliation were good ways to make a nice profit if you happened to own a cute sissy son. 

After the movie was over I heard Lisa let out a sigh, and then turning the television off. It hadn't been a particularly good movie, and but the end my owned had paid much more attention to me than it.

"I think it's time to turn in now", Lisa said, ruffling my hair again. "I'm going to go wash up. Go and wait for me in the bedroom."

After making sure all the lights were off I followed Lisa to the bedroom upstairs. The room was spacious, and it was dominated a large twin bed. The size of the basket next to the door leading to balcony wasn't even the tenth of it. A moment later my owner came out of the bathroom wearing only a nightgown.

She lay down in the middle of the bed and opened up her nightgown. I knew this was my cue, and climbed on the bed by her feet. In a less than a minute my face was at her crotch and I was eating her out hungrily.

"You've had... two orgasms today", I heard her say between short gasps. "I expect... to have at least... four. Understood?"

"Yes, dear", I said between licks, and felt her ruffle my hair again.

"I've been... thinking though", she said after a while. "I may have been... putting too much strain... on you lately. So I've been thinking... of stopping your ejaculations completely... for a while. To give your balls... a bit of time to rest. For a few months... at first. What do you think?"

"Anything you say", I said.

"You still do... like cumming?" she said after a while.

"Of course", I replied, and heard Lisa chuckle. 

"Good", I heard her voice in the darkness. "Making you stop wouldn't no fun if you didn't."

As I was pleasuring Lisa in the darkness, and my world was consisted of solely of her vagina, my tongue, and her moans, I couldn't but to amaze how much my life had changed during the past ten or so years. How much happier I was now.

Even the act I was performing now, pleasuring a woman with my tongue, was a concrete proof of that. I had accepted it was something I would never be allowed to do, before everything changed for the better, and Lisa walked into my life. 

Sure, I didn't own anything anymore, not even the clothes I was occasionally allowed to wear. I didn't even own my body, or had any control over it. It was the property of Lisa, and she owned me, body and soul. 

But truth to tell, I preferred that. A realization I wasn't more than a property was an incredibly liberating experience. It had been that from the moment I was brought to the screening center ten years ago, and explained my future. And I wouldn't have wanted it to be in any other way. 

I knew perfectly well Lisa could have gotten rid off me any time she wanted, as quickly as she could have gotten rid off an old car, or anything else she owned. But precisely that, the fact Lisa kept me, and allowed me to serve her, made me love and worship her madly as I did. 

I understood that everything Lisa did to me, or made me to do for her, were precious gifts for me, gifts I needed to cherish. Every day of my life with Lisa was a precious gift. The fact she allowed me to serve her was a sign she loved me in return.

After Lisa had had her fifth big orgasm she told me to stop for the night and join me under the covers. Immediately she grabbed me like a stuffed sleep buddy, and pressed me next to her. I could hear her breathing next to my ear. It was fast, and I still felt her body shaking a bit.

"This was... such a nice day", she said after a while. "Wasn't it?"

"It was", I said, and heard Lisa letting a deep sigh. 

"I've been thinking", she said then, sounding a bit sleepy. "I haven't seen Sheila for a while now. It would be nice to invite her, Rick and Jack over for a coffee tomorrow. What do you say?"

At first I was unsure what to say. I knew my owner had a crush to Sheila, and that she occasionally had sex with her. Just like Lisa, Sheila was bisexual, and she had two M's living with her. Rick and Jack intimidated me a bit, since I had noticed they liked it to play it a bit rough.

"That would be very nice, dear."


Science commander Minerva waved her hand and the figures in the air behind her disappeared.

“According our observation the situation seems to be similar all over the planet”, she said, ending her report.

Field marshal Serena nodded. She was reclining in her chair, and resting her gloved hand on its surface. Both the chair as well the desk was made out of the same transparent force field matter as most of the ship. Outside loomed the white and blue figure of the planet. This time the ship was situated above the polar cap, and she could make out the ice covering it.   

“Commendable”, Serena said. “Such results in little over ten cycles. I will convey the news of this accomplishment to the First Councilwoman myself.”

“Thank you, your excellency”, Minerva said, keeping her posture and hands behind her back. “How do you want we proceed with the first contact procedures? How soon you want the…”

“That won’t be necessary after all”, Serena said, interrupting the science commander.

“Your excellency?” Minerva said. 

“It seems our latest manoeuvre was a successful one. The last battle was a triumph for our fleet, and we got a victory over the Androsian forces. It would seem we managed to hold our lines in this sector after all.”

There was a moment of silence.

“I understand, field marshal”, Minerva said finally. “What are your orders now?”

Serena rose and both her chair and desk disappeared. She walked to the edge of her room, putting hands behind her back and observed the planet below them.

“You wish to stay posted here?” Serena said, and then turned to face the science commander. There was a mysterious look in her blue eyes, as they peered on Minerva. She felt slightly uncomfortable under fleet marshal’s gaze.

“If at all possible”, Minerva said finally, in haling deeply.

Serena smiled, and then turned to look at the planet again.

“Please do”, she said and sighed. “It is truly a beautiful planet. I must admit I am somewhat interested to see what happens to it in the future.”

1 comment:

  1. Very provocative beginning; please continue with your protagonist so we can see where this goes. Thanks for a great effort.
